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What Planets represent in Birth-Chart (JanmaKundali):

Sun : represents soul,father,purity, will power, life, glory,

health,  sovereignty  and clothes. Its color is pink,copper
red. It has anger but momentary. Its element is gold and
gem  ruby. East  is  represented by Sun.

Moon : It is a cold, calm and quiet planet and represents
mind, mother, motherland, money, eyes, lungs, liquids
and nurses. Its color is white,direction north-east, element
is silver and gem pearl.

Mars : Mars is a soldier and represents land, boldness,
 younger brothers and sisters,chemists, fire, anger, surgery.
It has anger which stays for along time. Its element is copper 
and gem coral. Its color is red and direction south.

Mercury : Mercury is talketive and tactful, but 
not harmful. It is a good trader, mathematician, editor
and publisher. It has excellent argumentative  and 
 analytical power. It represents memory,throat,
arms, maternal uncles and short journeys. Its element 
is bronze and gem is emerald. color is green and
direction north.

Jupiter : It is the heaviest and the most benefic planet
and represents Guru. It is very polite and religious 
and represents education, school, temples, oils,
 fats, sugar,long journeys, judges, priests
and scientists. It's color is yellow, metal platinum,gold, gem
yellow sapphire and direction north - east.

Venus : Venus is a planet of sex, love and beauty.
 It is a poet, dancer, singer, wife, actor or driver.
 It represents luxury, vehicles, kidney, silver,
diamond, south-east direction and white color.

Saturn : It is the  malefic planet and shows selfishness.
It represents death,politics, gas, aeroplanes
 poverty, servants, electronics and legs. Its colour
 is blue, element iron, gem blue saphire
and direction is west.

Rahu : Rahu is an expansionist planet and
 represents smoke, mental disturbance,
loss, theft, death of a family member.
 It also represents sudden gain through lottery,
gambling or speculation. Its color is black, element mixed
metal and gem gomed.

Ketu : It has tail but no head and represents
 broken relationships, changing events,
accidents. It represents electronics, brown 
color. Gem is cat's eye.





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